Notice to all TV/Video Broadcasters;
While we at CashRamSpam continue to construct our CashRamTVSplit and CashRamTVPlayer Codec software we invite all broadcasters to use our site as an assembly point where all your links can be brought under one Internet roof so to speak.
In the software page here you can see the links to the OGG Codecs and the WinAmp media player used to watch it. You can if you want let the whole world see your programs now via the Internet while we continue to construct our payment system. This is a good opportunity for you all to see how you would go about bringing your content online. At some point a lot of your business will be Internet connected and so here you can download for free the streaming server software which will allow you to set up your Streaming Server now. You should start testing your Internet client base while everything is still very new.
Our idea is that everyone looking for Internet TV can come here and click on the directory which will take them to a Streaming Server where they can use the media player they downloaded here to watch what programs are on line. These viewers don't have to be CashRamSpam account holders to do this because no payment is required just yet but once we have our Codecs finished which are modified Ogg Codecs you will be able to set it up on your server and the viewer can pay you an hourly rate. Then the advertisers will slot in their target advertising using our other server linked software CashRamTag because they now know who the viewer is through their demographics postings in the Green Pages at CashRamSpam.
Click on the link below to upload your Streaming Server link and fill in the details as to who you are and where you are located.
Let's get the revolution rolling.
Register Your Streaming Server Links Here
- Ogg codecs for Windows
[Video streaming server]
- VLC Media Player (The server capability is integrated to the player)
- Icecast
[Media players with video streaming support] - required to watch the programs.
- VLC Media Player
- Winamp