
A big welcome for all advertisers to the CashRamTV Television Revolution.
What we have built here is possibly the most effective method ever devised for you to advertise your products on TV. At CashRamTV you will now have the ability to tailor your advertising to suit the preferences of the viewer and their family using the optional demographics that they have supplied to CashRamSpam, the worlds first spam free paying email system. This is probably targeted advertising as never seen before.
This is how it works both manually and automatically.
When any CashRamspam account holder logs into CashRamSpam they can do an individual search of the Green Pages for the 'optional' demographic particulars of any CashRamSpam account holder or they will be able to down load the entire Green Pages information. Remember these people want to receive your attention because you pay them.
When CashRamSpam account holders are using the CashRamTV service that information is displayed by the 'active' post/zip codes in the 'Who's watching TV" box. You cannot see what they are watching but you can do a search of the demographics of those displayed CashRamSpam email address's and post/zip codes. Once you know your target viewer you can lodge your advertisements into the 'feed box' in CashRamTV by just typing in their CashRamSpam email address. You do this by using our CashRamTag facilitator software which is free. With this software you make a link from your 'server' to our 'feed server'. When the program the viewer is watching comes towards the end 10 seconds of its running time our timer tag shows on the viewers screen 10 advertisements that are waiting to be viewed, listed by the amount they will pay that viewer if they watch and what category the ad fits into, cars, houses, music etc. They then click on which ad they want to see before that program segment finishes. When our server confirms that there is advertising available to that client it overrides the advertising sent out by the original TV broadcaster and links them to the advertisers server and shows them the lodged advertisement purposely designed to attract that particular viewer/consumer.
The money you pay the viewer will then be deposited into their CashRamSpam account once the advertisement is over. A response from the viewer can be built into the advertisement such as "Did you enjoy that advert? If so please enter 31 or if not enter 54 using your keyboard or remote control and payment will be processed." If nothing is entered or the ad is not chosen and no payment is made to the viewer then there is no charge to the advertiser. If the customer choses an advertisement from a competitor advertiser then that will be listed so anyone can see what that advertiser paid that particular viewer but not the actual advertisement or its category.
All of CashRamSpam account holders demographics can be downloaded in one go to the advertiser's server then daily upgrades can be sent out for free from CashRamSpam. Once the advertisers have this information it is up to them to match different ads to different demographics types. Also by logging into CashRamTV and the 'Who's watching TV' section they can automatically send their advertisements to the targeted viewer without any further action needed except to keep their account fully charged otherwise no advertisements will be shown.